On The Road Again

My addictions are many. My homie is food so I’m on a journey trying to find myself – again.

I once weighed 420 pounds. After a series of traumatic events, I got angry (check out blogs for the updates) and made a life style change. There was an awakening in my soul.

I lost 140 pounds and didn’t FEEL any different but some say they didn’t recognize me. I felt free. Comfortable. Elegant. Then I gained a relationship, got comfortable and have slowly gained the weight back. If someone didn’t think that gaining 32 pounds was anything at all, picture having to carry a little over 3, 10-pound bags of potatoes daily.

I want my fire back. I want my fury, my voice, my freedom, my journey back. I believe the only way I’m going to get it is to be honest again. To be open, raw and write it all out because this is where I started. I started as The Starving Fat Lady. I wanted so much. Hungry for life. Starving for freedom. But I let food win.

I hope you’re reading this and relating and now know you’re not alone. I hope that you’re able to breathe a slight breath of relief knowing ‘someone gets it’. Why don’t we do this together?